Indein Village in Inle Lake

Indein Village in Inle Lake The Indein Village that connects to the main Inle Lake by narrow canals is a major highlight in the region. A trip to the village can be a fantastic, authentic experience as you will see the weather-beaten stupas and watch people go about their daily life. Getting to the Indein [...]
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Nga Phe Chaung Monastery

Nga Phe Chaung Monastery Nga Phe Chaung Monastery is a beautiful wooden monastery built on stilts around 200 years ago over the Inle Lake. It is considered the oldest and largest monastery in Inle Lake region. It is set among floating gardens and well worth a visit, especially if you're on the way to or [...]
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4 Best things to do when you travel to Inle Lake

4 Best things to do when you travel to Inle Lake The heaven of tranquility, fancy, and breathtaking nature; the home to the unique traditional practices of floating agriculture, fishing, and leg-rowing methods. These words are all precise to describe Inle Lake, the beautiful highland lake situated in the heart of the Shan plateaus. 1. [...]
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Chinatown in Yangon

Chinatown in Yangon The Chinatown of Yangon lies west of the Sule Pagoda which is located in the centre of downtown Yangon, Myanmar. Proceeding west along the Sule Pagoda Road, the 24th, 23rd, 22nd, 20th, 19th and 18th Streets and Bo Ywe, Latha and Sint Oh Dan Roads steaming with traffic are the busiest quarters [...]
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Colonial Buildings – a unique combination of Burmese & colonial architecture

Top 10 Colonial Buildings In Yangon, Myanmar Yangon is one of the finest places for viewing colonial architecture, as it has the highest concentration of colonial buildings in the world. Myanmar became a colony of Britain in 1824 after the First Anglo-Burmese War, and remained until 1948. After independence, the country had been run by [...]
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National Museum of Myanmar

National Museum of Myanmar The current location of the National Museum of Myanmar is at No. 66/74, Pyay Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar. The foundation of the museum dates back to 1952. Its current premises are where the Jubilee Hall used to stand. The relocation of this site to a more spacious building on Pansodan [...]
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Karaweik Hall – An Ancient Vestige of Burmese

Karaweik Hall - An Ancient Vestige of Burmese Karaweik Hall, also known as the Karaweik Palace is one of the most popular attractions in Yangon. The design of Karaweik Hall is based on Pyi Gyi Mon Royal Barge’s architecture, a palace used by ancient Burmese rulers. The hall was built in 1974. The Karaweik building [...]
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Longyi – The Beautiful Traditional Costume of the Burmese

Longyi - The Beautiful Traditional Costume of the Burmese Myanmar is a country with diverse over 130 ethnic groups. All of them bear their own tradition, dialect, culture, legendary as well as traditional costume, this promise to bring you interesting things. Burmese traditional costumes are Longyi (also called Sarong) together with Eingyi (Blouse and shirt). [...]
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Things to do in Mingun

THINGS TO DO IN MINGUN When visiting Mandalay, a trip to the nearby Mingun is a must. Mostly known for the Mingun Pahtodawgyi, a gigantic unfinished pagoda, Mingun is also worth visiting for the Hsinbyume Pagoda (the famous round shaped, white pagoda). One thing that you should keep in mind before visiting Mingun is that [...]
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Inle Lake – Best of Myanmar

INLE LAKE - BEST OF MYANMAR In western Shan State, you will find picturesque Inle Lake, famous for its floating villages and gardens and the unique way of life of the local Intha people, with their living communities based entirely on the water. For practical information including restaurants, ATMs, accommodation and transport, visit our Nyaung [...]
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